Victoria Inn Ltd Bar

Our Family-run Pub in Holyhead

The Victoria Inn Holyhead is home to exceptional drinks and captivating entertainment to delight guests of all ages.

Victoria Inn Ltd in Holyhead

Our Pub

Enjoy a modern interior fitted out with cosy seating, state-of-the-art log burners and a beautiful new bar.

The perfect setting for a cold winter’s day.

For guests visiting in the summer months, we have a wonderful outdoor seating area with incomparable views of Holyhead Mountain in the bright, Welsh sun. Serving great local beers like Conwy’s real ale, our pub offers visitors a wonderful selection of beers, ciders and soft drinks to suit any taste

Victoria Inn Beer in Holyhead
Victoria Inn Bar & restaurant in Holyhead interior

Victoria Inn Ltd in Holyhead

Live Sport

The Victoria Inn is renowned locally as a prime location for live sports

Football and rugby games gathering a lively crowd.

English Premier League fixtures, national Wales football and rugby games, Champions League nights and more are shown on screens throughout the venue.

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